Individual Reviews
"Inspired by your book we have sold our car. We live in Okehampton, Devon which is 25 miles from a railway (apart from Summer Sundays). My husband commutes to Exeter by bus and I home educate our 3 children aged 9, 5 and 5. We had our car for 2 years and before that were car free for 8 years, 6 of which were in Exeter. But we were going more and more into debt and I just couldn't face the thought of using our credit cards to pay for the tax etc etc so we sold the thing. Thanks for the inspiration your book gave us. If a family of five on a modest income in a rural area can ditch the car then a lot of other people could!"
Barbara Childs, Okehampton
"Its an excellent book on cutting car use. I am seriously considering getting rid of my car at the moment and your book has at least upped the argument for taxi use which is a help both to me and in putting these arguments to others."
Frank Mill, Edinburgh University