Cutting Your Car Use Seminar

Green Transport Education benefits business and customers - and the community in which you operate. It also costs less than car parks!



What is the problem?
Graphs of predicted traffic growth.
Who travels most and why?
What is the target?

The Benefits of Cutting Your Car Use

Save Money - personally and to the community. My main focus.

Travelling Less

How to effectively reduce overall travel demand? e.g. Staying still, phone, linking trips.
Reduced car dependency through localisation.

Travel Blending

Which car journeys are the easiest to switch to "green"
The importance of first journeys in the day.
Transport Hierarchy - walking, cycling, mobility impaired, public transport, shared cars etc.
Travel training and the need for education and access to information.
Adding up car costs versus the alternatives.

Alternatives to Private Car Ownership

Lift share.
Car share.
Hire cars & car clubs.

Making it Work

Breaking down the barriers to green transport.
Mileage and journey diaries, commitment and perseverance.
Australian research suggests people could reduce their overall car use by 49%. A 25-35% reduction is easy and just their responsibility. Brisbane residents reduced their car use 34% during a trial week.
Sticks and carrots including allowances, green travel plans, personal rewards, road pricing.
How my book Cutting Your Car Use can help people, companies and Councils achieve traffic reduction cost-effectively.
Methods of disseminating knowledge including selling books with parking permits.


Contact me for a quote on your requirements.
alternative methods of transport
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